Staff Blog
Thoughts from our church staff
Morristown Elder Position Paper: Why and how we practice baptism
Baptism is a first next step that an individual takes to profess faith in Christ. We baptize by immersion those with a clear testimony of having been forgiven of sin, and thus having been buried with Christ and made brand new. This act represents burial and resurrection and follows the pattern of New Testament baptism. For many being baptized, this faith is new and the baptism we are speaking of is a first step. The “reality” or “substance” of what has happened in someone’s life is seen in Romans 6:3-4. We are baptized into Christ. The water is a portrayal. Baptism doesn’t save!
Morristown Elder Position Paper: The Eternal Fate of Babies, Infants, the Unborn, and Other Special Needs
The question of where the unborn, infants, children, and those with other special needs who perish will spend eternity is complex and emotionally charged, and rightfully so. Moms and dads, caregivers, friends, and churches care deeply about this question because of their deep care for their beloved. We believe the Bible affirms that those in these categories will spend eternity in heaven. But, as with any other question, it’s best not to begin with sentimentality.