Since 2009, Arrowhead Church has been a place where it’s ok to not be ok.
Arrowhead Church is a network of churches across East Tennessee. We began in Morristown in 2009 and now have churches in Greeneville and Bean Station as well.
Our network structure is unique - each Arrowhead is its own, fully autonomous church - yet we share more than just a name. We share a mission to help people across East Tennessee take next steps with Jesus.
A brief video about how our church began and the first 10 years of ministry
A brief history of Arrowhead Church
In 2009, the first of us met in the Rose Center in Morristown as "Arrowhead Church" for the very first time. Arrowhead Church in Morristown has been gathering for worship ever since. From the beginning, we knew we wanted to plant other churches across East Tennessee- we were just waiting on God to give us the right time, place, and people.
Then in 2016, a group from Morristown were called together to plant an Arrowhead Church in Greeneville. Our prayer was to come alongside the churches already doing great work to help advance the spread of the gospel in this amazing community. We first began worshiping together at the Crescent Center. A few years later, God gave us the building off Main Street that our church gathers in today. Since then, we have had the joy of seeing hundreds of people take next steps with Jesus in the Greeneville area.
In 2023, a group from both Morristown and Greeneville were called together to plant an Arrowhead Church in Grainger. We built a great partnership with Kingswood Home for Children to gather for worship in their chapel. We held our first public services there in January of 2024.
The Arrowhead Church Family
Arrowhead Church is actually a network of several “Arrowhead Churches” across East Tennessee that are in covenant together. Each of these is a fully autonomous church that has chosen to work closely with the others. It’s less like “church campuses” and more like fully independent churches who share common goals and resources. We call this the Arrowhead Church Network.
Each church (sometimes called “congregation” to reduce confusion) is led by its own board of elders. It sets its own budget and has its own pastors, staff, outreach, culture, and particular ministries.
But there are some things all these separate Arrowhead congregations share— like our name, beliefs, mission, ministry methods, administration, and church planting resources. Organizationally, we’re also one single 501(c)3 with an administrative department (called the “Network”) that supports all of the churches through finances, HR, communication, and church planting.
So if you’re new and you’re not sure which Arrowhead congregation to visit, our suggestion is simple: visit the congregation closest to you!
Arrowhead Church
Arrowhead Congregations
One Organization | Multiple Church Congregations
Arrowhead Church
The central organization of Arrowhead Church is structured to support and empower local congregations. This is done by efficiently meeting common needs with centralized leadership, freeing congregations of the burden to dedicate energy, resources, and/or staff to meet those needs locally. Arrowhead Church is intentionally minimal to reduce the financial burden placed on the local congregations, who contribute a percentage of their budget to fund it.
Authority of the Church Network
Establishment of church doctrines and beliefs
Planting of new Arrowhead Congregations
Adoption of new Arrowhead Congregations
Responsibilities of the Church Network
Media and Communications
Human Resources
Church Planting Process and Funding Assistance
Leadership of the Church organization
The central organization is ultimately lead by a board of church elders who represent our congregations. That board consists of the lead pastor of each congregation, one nominated elder from each congregation, and the Church Executive Pastor.
Arrowhead Congregations
The local communities of Arrowhead Church are the congregations, where believers worship, serve, are led by pastors, give, and partner together to embody Christ to their cities. Our congregations are elder-led.
Authority of a Congregation
To join or leave the Arrowhead Church network
To hire/terminate employees
To set their own budgets and financial initiatives
Responsibilities of a Congregation
Missions (local and global)
Portion of budget given to the Church organization
Leadership of a Congregation
Each congregation is lead by a group of its own elders, with no more than 2 being staff members.
Our core BELIEFS
These are the simplest and most foundational beliefs that we hold. Getting these right determine what it even means to be a Christian. Tap on any topic to expand.
(2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21)
The Bible is inspired by God, and it is the revelation of Him to man. It is fully authoritative and without error. We can trust it in every circumstance and situation. It provides the foundation for all other doctrines and practices.
(Genesis 1, Deuteronomy 6:4)
God has always existed in perfect power and holiness. He is Creator of the universe, and He rules over every aspect of creation still today. He exists in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
(John 1:1-18, Colossians 1:13-22)
Jesus Christ is God’s only Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He is fully God and fully man. He lived a perfect life, died on a cross, and after three days, He defeated sin and death and rose from the grave. He will return one day to rule and reign.
(Genesis 1:2, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 1:13-14)
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He works in the world to make all people understand their need for Jesus Christ, and He indwells every believer from the time of salvation. He empowers Christians to live a supernatural life.
(Genesis 3, Romans 3:10-23, Romans 6:23, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 2:8-9)
Because of our sinful nature, man cannot enter into heaven no matter how good of a life he may have lived. Jesus Christ came to earth to take the punishment for sin, and our only hope for salvation is faith in the truth that Jesus died for our sin and made a way for us to gain the righteousness it takes to enter heaven.
(Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:41-47, Colossians 1:18, 1 Peter 5:1-5)
The Bible teaches that the universal Church is the body of Christ in the world today. A local church is made up of baptized followers of Jesus Christ, gathered for worship and scattered to serve. The church should live out the mission of Christ as His body, taking the gospel to the community and the world around them. The church is led by a group of men known as elders or pastors, who serve as spiritual leaders and shepherds.
(Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:9, Romans 6:3-4, Colossians 2:12)
Baptism is an act of obedience for every believer. We practice baptism by immersion, symbolizing the imagery of salvation through Jesus - that our old selves have been crucified and buried, and that we now live in new life by the power of His resurrection.
Dig Deeper into our beliefs
In a world of ever-shifting cultural norms and values, we want to provide clarity on what we believe as a church and why, even beyond those core belief statements above. Use the button below to learn more.

Our Values
What makes us, us.
Welcome Home / Grace
This is a church for everybody. Failures are never final and our Father always welcomes us home. The cross means we are free and we all come in the same door. We believe there is no problem in life that following Jesus cannot solve.
We don’t wait for people to come to us. We go across the street and around the world to them. Our goal isn’t merely to gather an audience but to raise an army. We’re focused on developing disciple-making missionaries in our community and for the nations, in this generation and the next.
Laugh Out Loud / Joy
We’re people of good news so we smile. We've cast our burdens on the Lord and are free to enjoy Him and one another. We believe the best, celebrate first, laugh often, and play hard because what could be more exciting than changing the world?!
We are stewards not owners. I give myself away when I give my money away. We don’t just want to make it in life - we want to make a difference for eternity. God gives extravagantly to us, so it’s our privilege to trust Him to provide for us by giving to others. We sacrifice to war against our selfishness.
See Good Say Good / Honor
The Bible says we should outdo one another in showing honor. If we see somebody doing good, we say it. If we admire something about a brother or sister, we say it. Enough working to gain approval from others - we give approval to others.
We hold tightly to Scripture, theology, and even tradition. The Bible we study to understand tells us we’re powerless to do what we’re desperate for, so we yield to the supernatural work of the Spirit for miracles through prayer.
Network Leadership
Every Arrowhead Congregation has its own staff, and you can find those by visiting the website for a specific Arrowhead Church location. But the operations of the church network is advanced by the staff below. These are the men and women who provide administrative, creative, systematic, financial, and HR support to all our congregations.
Every year, we provide our congregations with an annual report on a few health indicators from our church. These include numbers on weekly attendance, baptisms, outreach, giving, budgets, are more. Here, you can download a PDF of these reports.