Arrowhead Resources
Free tools to help you and your family take next steps with Jesus.
The Arrowhead Church app
The best way to get Arrowhead resources delivered right to your fingertips. Much of what you’ll find on this page can be easily found on the app. Get it here
Resources for Days.
Tap on a resource category below to jump right to that section, or simply scroll down this page to see everything we’ve got.

Sermons & Teaching
Browse and order books recommended by the Arrowhead Church staff through our online bookstore, powered by 10ofThose. Shipping is always just $1 and our church does not earn any commission from any sales.
Question Jesus Answered
A new book by Arrowhead Church
Christians today are asking age-old questions about judgement, salvation, sabbath, gender, people-pleasing, and happiness. Questions Jesus Answered offers solid, timeless truths from Jesus out of Gospel of Luke.
Written by Pastors at Arrowhead, this book is a reference guide to Jesus' teachings. Whether you're a lifelong believer or new to the faith, Questions Jesus Answered will deepen your understanding of Jesus and His teachings.
Make Disciples
Resources to help you have discipling conversations
Making disciples is a crucial next step for all Christians, but one that many of us struggle to do in our everyday lives. We’ve created several resources to help you disciple others.

Resources For Families
Resources we’ve curated to help parents disciple their kids.
Resources for Kids
The Biggest Story ABC
Great for Ages: 0-3
Adam and Eve to Zion, the Bible tells God's promise. A new board book by Kevin DeYoung connects Genesis to Revelation, using letters A to Z. Engaging illustrations by Don Clark retell the Bible story. Parents introduce their kids to the big Bible story with this fun board book.
The Biggest Story Bible Storybook
Great for Ages: 4-11
The Bible is a BIG book telling the BIGGEST story. The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by pastor Kevin DeYoung shares this grand story with kids ages 4–11 through 104 short chapters. DeYoung retells Bible stories and explains how they fit into the overarching storyline, with beautiful illustrations by Don Clark. Perfect for bedtime or family reading, experience the captivating Bible story in an easy-to-understand way.
The Ology
Great for Ages: 6-11
"The Ology" by Marty Machowski is an illustrated theology book for kids that teaches them about God using creative examples and analogies. It's designed for children ages 6 to preteens and includes adaptations for the whole family. The story follows Carla and Timothy as they uncover a treasure in an old cathedral, helping young readers learn about God, themselves, and the world around them. Machowski uses word pictures and analogies to help kids grasp difficult concepts. This book provides a foundation of biblical truth and is accompanied by a worship music album by Sovereign Grace Music.
Worship Videos
Kids can get moving with these worship songs selected by our AKids ministry and used on Sunday mornings! We’ve created dance videos to help them worship with song and movement.
Resources for Parents
Shepherding a Child’s Heart
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Dr. Tedd Tripp is a book for parents of kids of all ages. It teaches how to speak to a child's heart, as their words and actions come from within. Based on Luke 6:45, the book offers perspectives and procedures to guide your child towards a fulfilling life. With over 30 years of experience as a pastor, counselor, administrator, and father, Dr. Tripp provides valuable insights for parents. This revised edition also includes additional wisdom gained from teaching this material in conferences worldwide.
Family Discipleship
Christian parents are responsible for discipling their families. It may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. Pastors Matt Chandler and Adam Griffin offer guidance on creating a sustainable rhythm of gospel-centered discipleship in three key areas: time, moments, and milestones. This book provides suggestions, sample plans, and Scripture references to help you develop a personalized plan for raising your children in the love and fear of the Lord.
In his book, Paul David Tripp offers a new perspective on parenting. Instead of relying on a set of rules, parents should understand that the gospel should shape their parenting. Tripp shares fourteen gospel-centered principles that will transform the way parents approach raising their children.

Rhythms Journal
An easy way to read your Bible
Rhythms Journal
Once a quarter, we publish a devotional guide to help you practice spiritual rhythms. It helps us read the Bible every day, take sermon notes, pray for our small groups, and memorize Scripture. You can pick up a print version of the journal at your congregation, or you can download the PDF below.

Podcast shows
Original podcasts made by Arrowhead Church. Available on the Arrowhead Church app and wherever you listen to podcasts.
Help Me Understand
Arrowhead Morristown
In these special weekly episodes of the Arrowhead Church podcast, pastors Ben & Brett discuss questions about the Bible to help us gain some clarity. New episode every Tuesday.
Posted weekly on the Arrowhead Morristown podcast.
10 Minute Think Thru
Arrowhead Morristown
We no longer make episodes for the 10-Minute Think Thru, but you can find our entire library of nearly 200 episodes below or on the Apple Podcast store.
The 10 Min Think Thru was an audio podcast produced by Arrowhead Church and hosted by creative director, Jared Belcher. Each episode is a to-the-point conversation about the Bible, theology, and current events. Each episode features pastors and staff of Arrowhead Morristown, as well as leaders from around the community.

Staff Blog
Thoughts from our church staff.
Most Recent Posts
The Arrowhead Church app
The best way to get Arrowhead resources delivered right to your fingertips. Much of what you’ll find on this page can be easily found on the app. Get it here
Mobile App
Available on iOS, Android, & Amazon Kindle Tablets
This is the official app for Arrowhead Church in both Morristown and Greeneville, Tennessee. We designed this app as a tool for you to access all the resources and teachings from Arrowhead.
Watch or listen to any Sunday morning teachings and many mid-week teachings
Watch any live streams from the church
Read bible study & prayer guides
Watch kids videos
Watch stories of life change from people in our church
Give directly through the app
View upcoming events
Share your favorite videos and posts on social media
…and more!
How to Get it:
Get it by searching for “Arrowhead Church” on your App Store and installing the app on your device.
TV App
Available on Apple TV and Roku
No more squinting at phone screens for Sunday live streams - Watch on the big screen!
Whether you'd like to watch past sermons on-demand or jump right into a live stream, this TV app will deliver videos to you from both our Morristown and Greeneville congregations.
How to Get it:
Get it by searching for “Arrowhead Church” on your Apple TV or Roku and installing the app on your TV.